Personal Curriculum Vitae and Portfolio Website with Hugo and Tailwind CSS



The project was an undertaking to design and create a personal Curriculum Vitae and portfolio website utilizing the Hugo static site generator and Tailwind CSS. This initiative aimed to master Hugo and Tailwind CSS, with a special emphasis on learning AI Prompt Engineering, which was heavily used during the site’s development.


The objective was to gain expertise in Hugo, Tailwind CSS, and AI Prompt Engineering while creating a professional, well-structured, and visually appealing portfolio website. The challenge was twofold: use AI to enhance the website’s content, clarity, and structure and to guide the technical implementation using Hugo and Tailwind CSS.


  1. To create engaging, structured, and clear content, AI prompt engineering was employed. This ensured the site’s narrative was coherent, comprehensive, and appealing to visitors.

  2. AI was also harnessed for technical decision-making. It guided the process of implementing the Hugo static site generator and Tailwind CSS. AI prompts helped streamline the development process, troubleshoot potential issues, and enhance the overall website design and functionality

  3. Hugo and Tailwind CSS were used as the main tools for site generation and design. Hugo allowed for rapid and efficient site development, while Tailwind CSS offered a highly customizable design framework, enabling the creation of a unique and responsive user interface.


The resulting website successfully showcased a professional and comprehensive Curriculum Vitae and portfolio, wrapped in a sleek, user-friendly design. The project also served as a significant learning experience in Hugo, Tailwind CSS, and AI Prompt Engineering. This synergy of static site generation, design-centric CSS framework, and AI assistance led to a balanced blend of aesthetic appeal, functionality, and user engagement.